Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Health and safety training
Health and Safety training: 5, including sub-activities:
- | Obligatory |
Information and source education
Training: 5, including sub-activities:
- | Obligatory |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
8 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Sum | 265 | 30 |
Major Historia
Historia o profilu ogólnoakademickim jest kierunkiem jednoznacznie umiejscowionym w dziedzinie nauk humanistycznych, w dyscyplinie historia (100%). Najwyższą wartością kształcenia na kierunku jest rzetelna wiedza historyczna będąca wypadkową badań i studiowania. Wykształcenie historyczne traktowane jest jako zobowiązanie wobec społeczeństwa, a poznawanie historii jako dążenie do prawdy historycznej. Kierunek Historia umożliwia studia na historii ogólnej oraz na pięciu specjalnościach: nauczycielskiej, archiwistyce i zarządzaniu dokumentacją, historii wojskowości, polityce i mediach w dziejach oraz mediewistyce. Ogólnoakademicki profil studiów łączymy z praktycznym przygotowaniem do wykonywania zawodu sprofilowanego ze względu na studiowaną specjalność.
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden wykład monograficzny z oferty Wydziału |
Monographic lecture
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
8 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Language course: 60 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden przedmiot |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Sum | 270 | 21 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Sum of contact hours: 90 |
Graded credit
9 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera trzy ścieżki międzyprzedmiotowe z oferty Wydziału |
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 90 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
4 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 1, including sub-activities:
- | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 15 Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 14 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Obligatory |
Student/ka wybiera zajęcia z oferty Studium Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu UAM | ||||
Physical education
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Elective |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden przedmiot |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Sum of contact hours: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwie ścieżki międzyprzedmiotowe z oferty Wydziału |
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 315 | 24 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Sum of contact hours: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwie ścieżki międzyprzedmiotowe z oferty Wydziału |
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 60 | 6 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
4 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 6 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 15 |
Graded credit |
3.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Laboratories: 10 |
Graded credit
0.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Laboratories: 10 |
Graded credit
0.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Practice: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Laboratories: 10 |
Graded credit
0.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 6 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
4.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
1.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 6 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 6 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 6 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jedną ścieżkę międzyprzedmiotową z oferty Wydziału |
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Obligatory |
Student/ka wybiera zajęcia z oferty Studium Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu UAM | ||||
Physical education
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Elective |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden wykład monograficzny z oferty Wydziału |
Monographic lecture
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden przedmiot | ||||
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Sum | 285 | 21 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Practice: 45 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera praktykę zawodową | ||||
Practice: 45 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Sum of contact hours: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 2 ścieżki międzyprzedmiotowe z oferty Wydziału | ||||
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 120 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Practice: 120 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 195 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Practice: 60 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 20 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 10 |
Graded credit
0.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 10 |
Graded credit
0.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 160 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
4.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
1.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Practice: 45 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 150 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Practice: 45 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 150 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Practice: 45 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jeden przedmiot |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Obligatory group |
Certification exam - English
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Elective |
Certification test - German
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Elective |
Seminar: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera seminarium licencjackie i kontynuuje w semestrze 6 |
Seminar: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Sum of contact hours: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwie ścieżki międzyprzedmiotowe z oferty Wydziału |
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 240 | 23 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera jedną ścieżkę międzyprzedmiotową z oferty Wydziału |
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 60 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwa wykłady monograficzne z oferty Wydziału |
Monographic lecture
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Sum | 90 | 7 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 7 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
1.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
1.5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 7 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 7 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 7 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 7 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Seminar: 15 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka kontynuuje seminarium licencjackie wybrane w semestrze 5 |
Seminar: 15 |
Graded credit
4 | Elective |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Sum of contact hours: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera dwie ścieżki międzyprzedmiotowe z oferty Wydziału |
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 210 | 21 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Sum of contact hours: 90 |
Graded credit
9 | Obligatory group |
Student/ka wybiera trzy ścieżki międzyprzedmiotowe z oferty Wydziału |
Interdisciplinary track
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 90 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit |
6 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 20 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 80 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
6 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
4 | Obligatory from specialty |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 90 | 9 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 9 |