Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Laboratories: 30 |
Graded credit |
6 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 20 Laboratories: 40 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Laboratories: 30 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 Laboratories: 45 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Sum of contact hours: 70 |
Graded credit
7 | Obligatory group |
Health and safety training
Health and Safety training: 4 |
- | Obligatory |
Sum | 344 | 30 |
Major Bioinformatyka
Bioinformatyka jest kierunkiem dla kandydatów zainteresowanych biologią molekularną i technikami informatycznymi, którzy chcą podejmować wyzwania nowoczesnej biologii. Wiedza teoretyczna i praktyczna zdobyta na studiach pozwala posługiwać się narzędziami informatycznymi służącymi do analizy olbrzymich i wysoce złożonych zbiorów informacji biomedycznych (Big Biomedical Data). Absolwenci potrafią posługiwać się nowoczesnymi metodami bioinformatyki oraz biologii obliczeniowej, operować współczesnymi technologiami informacyjnymi oraz potrafią je zastosować w badaniach biomedycznych i biologii molekularnej. Ponadto absolwenci potrafią zaprojektować i skonstruować własne narzędzia informatyczne służące do rozwiązywania konkretnych problemów biologii molekularnej.
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Laboratories: 30 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
6 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 10 Laboratories: 20 |
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Laboratories: 60 |
Graded credit
10 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera pracownię zgodnie z wybraną tematyką pracy magisterskiej | ||||
Laboratories: 60 |
Graded credit
10 | Obligatory in the module |
Laboratories: 60 |
Graded credit
10 | Obligatory in the module |
Sum of contact hours: 90 |
Graded credit
9 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera dowolną liczbę przedmiotów - suma punktów ECTS powinna wynieść 9 |
Lecture: 10 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Laboratories: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Conversatory classes: 15 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 Laboratories: 30 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Sum | 270 | 30 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 15 Laboratories: 45 |
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera seminarium zgodnie z wybraną tematyką pracy magisterskiej | ||||
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory in the module |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory in the module |
Laboratories: 60 |
Graded credit
10 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera pracownię zgodnie z wybraną tematyką pracy magisterskiej | ||||
Laboratories: 60 |
Graded credit
10 | Obligatory in the module |
Laboratories: 60 |
Graded credit
10 | Obligatory in the module |
Sum of contact hours: 120 |
Graded credit
12 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera dowolną liczbę przedmiotów - suma punktów ECTS powinna wynieść 12 |
Lecture: 10 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 Laboratories: 5 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
2 | Elective |
Conversatory classes: 15 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 30 Laboratories: 45 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
6 | Elective |
Laboratories: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Conversatory classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 270 | 30 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 15 Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
7 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera seminarium zgodnie z wybraną tematyką pracy magisterskiej | ||||
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
7 | Obligatory in the module |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
7 | Obligatory in the module |
Laboratories: 90 |
Graded credit
14 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera pracownię zgodnie z wybraną tematyką pracy magisterskiej | ||||
Laboratories: 90 |
Graded credit
14 | Obligatory in the module |
Laboratories: 90 |
Graded credit
14 | Obligatory in the module |
Sum of contact hours: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera dowolną liczbę przedmiotów - suma punktów ECTS powinna wynieść 6 |
Lecture: 15 Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
2 | Elective |
Lecture: 10 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 Laboratories: 30 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 25 Laboratories: 5 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 20 Laboratories: 10 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Sum | 210 | 30 |