Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Health and safety training
Health and Safety training: 4, including sub-activities:
- | Obligatory |
Information and source education
Training: 5, including sub-activities:
- | Obligatory |
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
2 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
2 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 Workshops: 60 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
6 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit |
4 | Obligatory |
Classes: 10 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory group |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory group |
Workshops: 60 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Sum | 469 | 30 |
Major Komunikacja europejska
Kierunek komunikacja europejska adresowany jest do studentów o szerokich zainteresowaniach humanistycznych i społecznych, poszukujących nowoczesnej interdyscyplinarnej wiedzy teoretycznej i pragnących podnieść swoje kompetencje praktyczne w zakresie komunikacji interpersonalnej. Zaproszenie kierujemy do absolwentów polskich oraz zagranicznych szkół średnich wszelkiego typu. Komunikacja europejska oferuje otwarte wykształcenie zgodne z oczekiwaniami współczesnego rynku pracy. Komunikacja europejska to kierunek, na którym uczy się studentów prowadzenia dialogu w zróżnicowanych przestrzeniach kulturowych, budowania relacji na granicy kultur, rozpoznawania i neutralizowania barier, ograniczających kontakty interpersonalne, szczególnie tych mających uzasadnienie kulturowe. W tym celu studenci zapoznają się z formą i znaczeniem znaków oraz tekstów w różnych porządkach kulturowych, językowych, religijnych, społecznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tradycji konstytuowanych w Europie i przez Europę. Kształcenie obejmuje perspektywę historyczną i współczesną.
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Workshops: 30 |
4 | Obligatory |
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Obligatory |
Student/ka wybiera zajęcia z oferty Studium Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu UAM | ||||
Physical education
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Elective |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory |
Practice: 180 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Sum | 300 | 16 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 45 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 150 | 14 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 45 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 60 |
Graded credit
5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 150 | 14 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Workshops: 45 |
Graded credit |
6 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 60 |
Graded credit
7 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden warsztat z dwóch zaproponowanych, obejmujących wiedzę, kompetencję i umiejętności z zakresu literaturoznawstwa | ||||
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden warsztat z dwóch zaproponowanych, obejmujących wiedzę, kompetencję i umiejętności z nauk o mediach | ||||
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden warsztat z dwóch zaproponowanych, obejmujących wiedzę, kompetencję i umiejętności z zakresu nauk o kulturze i religii | ||||
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Sum | 270 | 25 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 60 | 5 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Workshops: 30 |
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 60 | 5 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Workshops: 30 |
4 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
5 | Obligatory |
Practice: 180 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
5 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden warsztat z dwóch zaproponowanych, obejmujących wiedzę, kompetencję i umiejętności z zakresu nauk o kulturze i religii | ||||
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
5 | Elective |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
5 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Sum | 330 | 24 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 30 |
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 60 | 6 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 30 |
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 15 Workshops: 15 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
4 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 60 | 6 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Certification exam - English
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit |
7 | Obligatory |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
8 | Obligatory |
Seminar: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jedne ćwiczenia z dwóch zaproponowanych, obejmujących wiedzę, kompetencję i umiejętności z zakresu nauk o kulturze i religii | ||||
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory in the module |
Sum | 195 | 28 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 30 | 2 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 30 | 2 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Seminar: 15 |
Graded credit
7 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden wykład z dwóch zaproponowanych, obejmujących wiedzę, kompetencję i umiejętności z zakresu kulturoznawstwa i historii | ||||
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden wykład z dwóch zaproponowanych, obejmujących wiedzę, kompetencję i umiejętności z zakresu kulturoznawstwa i historii | ||||
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jedno laboratorium z dwóch zaproponowanych | ||||
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jedno laboratorium z dwóch zaproponowanych | ||||
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jedne ćwiczenia z dwóch zaproponowanych, obejmujących wiedzę, kompetencję i umiejętności z zakresu nauk o kulturze i religii | ||||
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jedne ćwiczenia z dwóch zaprononowanych | ||||
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Elective |
Sum | 165 | 20 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
1 | Obligatory from specialty |
Lecture: 15 Classes: 15 |
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 45 |
4 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 10 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 60 |
5 | Obligatory from specialty |
Workshops: 30 |
3 | Obligatory from specialty |
Sum | 120 | 10 |