Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
8 | Obligatory |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 60 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
8 | Obligatory |
Classes: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Health and safety training
Health and Safety training: 4, including sub-activities:
- | Obligatory |
Sum | 334 | 34 |
Major Historia sztuki
Studia z zakresu historii sztuki poświęcone są jej dziejom od starożytności po współczesność. W przypadku sztuki dawnej uwzględniają one najważniejsze zjawiska i realizacje artystyczne z obszarów europejskich, zaś w ramach omówienia sztuki nowoczesnej, również te powstałe na innych kontynentach. W trakcie zajęć studenci zapoznają się z metodami analizy i interpretacji dzieł architektury, malarstwa i grafiki, rzeźby, oraz rzemiosła artystycznego. Korpus podstawowej wiedzy przekazywanej w ramach zajęć obowiązkowych uzupełniają zajęcia fakultatywne i specjalistyczne, co roku proponowane w zmodyfikowanej ofercie, które umożliwiają poszerzenie własnych zainteresowań ( muzealnictwo, ochrona zabytków, krytyka artystyczna, historia fotografii, badania architektury). Oprócz zajęć gabinetowych program studiów przewiduje także zajęcia terenowe, krajowe i zagraniczne, pozwalające na bezpośrednie spotkanie z dziełem sztuki i prowadzoną w kontakcie z nim analizę.
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 30 |
6 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Classes: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 60 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
8 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden język i kontynuuje w semestrze 3, 4 i 5 | ||||
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Sum | 270 | 27 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Obligatory |
Physical education
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 60 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
8 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 2 wykłady ogólne z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki | ||||
General lecture
Lecture: 60 |
Graded credit
6 | Elective |
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 1 zajęcia problemowe z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki | ||||
Problem classes
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 1 zajęcia Wybrane problemy z dziejów sztuki z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki | ||||
Selected problems from the history of art
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Language course: 60 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Sum | 420 | 35 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Obligatory |
Physical education
Physical education: 30 |
Graded credit
- | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 60 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 60 Classes: 30 |
Graded credit |
8 | Obligatory |
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 1 zajęcia Wybrane problemy z dziejów sztuki z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki | ||||
Selected problems from the history of art
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 6 Field classes: 54 |
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory |
Field classes: 96 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory |
Sum | 486 | 33 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Obligatory group |
Certification exam - English
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Elective |
Certification test - Italian Language
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Elective |
Certification exam - Spanish
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Elective |
Certification exam - French
Certificate: 0 |
2 | Elective |
Language course: 60 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Seminar: 60 |
Graded credit
12 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 2 seminaria niższe z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki, które kontynuuje w semestrze 6. | ||||
Lower general seminar
Seminar: 60 |
Graded credit
12 | Obligatory |
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 1 zajęcia Wybrane problemy z dziejów sztuki z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki | ||||
Selected problems from the history of art
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 1 zajęcia problemowe z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki | ||||
Problem classes
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 240 | 28 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Seminar: 60 |
Graded credit
14 | Obligatory group |
Student kontynuuje seminaria niższe wybrane w semestrze 5. W ramach jednego z seminariów student przygotowuje pracę licencjacką. | ||||
Lower general seminar II a
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
8 | Obligatory |
Lower general seminar IIb
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 1 zajęcia problemowe z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki | ||||
Problem classes
Sum of contact hours: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera 1 wykład ogólny z oferty Instytutu Historii Sztuki | ||||
General lecture
Lecture: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 150 | 23 |