Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory |
Classes: 10 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Laboratories: 30 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory |
Language course: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Health and safety training
Health and Safety training: 4, including sub-activities:
- | Obligatory |
Field classes: 48 |
Graded credit
6 | Obligatory group |
Sum | 387 | 60 |
Major Geografia
Geografia jest jednym z najstarszych kierunków realizowanych w UAM w Poznaniu już od 1919 roku, od kiedy na Wydziale Filozoficznym powstał Instytut Geografii. Geografia jako kierunek studiów mieści się w dwóch dziedzinach naukoych: nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych oraz nauk społecznych, co jest konsekwencją współczesnego podziału nauk geograficznych.W ramach tych dziedzin geografia przypisana jest do dwóch dyscyplin naukowych: nauk o Ziemi i środowisku oraz geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej i gospodarki przestrzennej, opartych na odrębnych wzorcach metodologicznych. Oddaje to interdyscyplinarny charakter geografii. Z wieloobszarowości nauk geograficznych wynika zróżnicowany i specyficzny program studiów, który łączy zagadnienia geografii fizycznej i jej subdyscyplin wraz z zagadnieniami ekonomiczno-gospodarczymi i społeczno-kulturowymi. Ponadto obejmuje on zagadnienia z zakresu nauk ścisłych, dostarczających narzędzi matematyczno-statystycznych, wykorzystywanych w nowoczesnych metodach analizy przestrzennej oraz w analizach procesów geomorfologicznych, hydrologicznych, czy klimatycznych. Innym ważnym elementem kształcenia na kierunku geografa są Geograficzne Systemy Informacyjne, a także ćwiczenia terenowe w fromie stacjonarnej i objazdowej, weryfikujące wiedzę, umiejetniości i kompetencje zdobyte podczas zajęć w salach, pracowniach i laboratoriach.
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
4 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera jeden przedmiot | ||||
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Elective |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory |
Sum of contact hours: 169 |
Graded credit
24 | Obligatory group |
Student wybiera przedmioty za 24 pkt. ECTS | ||||
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Classes: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Lecture: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Field classes: 16 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Field classes: 16 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Field classes: 32 |
Graded credit
4 | Elective |
Field classes: 64 |
Graded credit
6 | Elective |
Sum | 389 | 60 |
Subject | Activity / Hours | Form of verification | ECTS points | Course type |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit |
5 | Obligatory |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Obligatory |
Student wybiera jeden przedmiot | ||||
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Elective |
Language course: 30 |
Graded credit
4 | Elective |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Obligatory group |
Seminar: 30 |
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Obligatory group |
Laboratories: 15 |
Graded credit
2 | Elective |
Sum of contact hours: 125 |
Graded credit
24 | Obligatory |
Student wybiera przedmioty za 24 pkt. ECTS | ||||
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 10, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
Graded credit |
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Lecture: 15, including sub-activities:
Graded credit
3 | Elective |
Sum | 360 | 60 |